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Thread: The troubled Washington Post

  1. #1
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    The troubled Washington Post

    Morale plummets inside The Washington Post as staffers express alarm over publisher’s attempts to squash story.

    But Lewis and his team of spokespeople (he has a personal representative, in addition to those who handle public relations on behalf of the outlet), would have likely been able to contain the mess, if it were to have remained isolated. Unfortunately for Lewis, it did not. Buzbee’s ouster led to the revelation that weeks beforehand Lewis had pressured her to refrain from publishing a story about his alleged involvement in the U.K. phone hacking scandal. At the time of the scandal, which engulfed Rupert Murdoch’s media empire and was revived by a new Prince Harry lawsuit, Lewis was a senior executive at News Corporation, a position that has left an indelible stain on his resume.
    Trying to change the spots on the leopard, might not work
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  2. #2
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    16 miles west of the White House, Northern Virginia..
    But.. they have over four pages of funnies and a fantastic Sunday travel section ..

  3. #3
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    Salt Lake City
    "... the coverup often can be worse than the crime."
    - CNN

    I'm no news media expert but did work for two major local newspapers when I was in college. I don't recall any of us (reporters) talking about where we stood on ethical issues. It simply wasn't necessary.

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