Event Of A Lifetime: Eagles To Perform At Las Vegas Sphere
Sure, they did a Farewell Tour and we thought it was the end of the line. But, MSG Sphere offered them big bucks to reunite and perform 12 shows from Sept. 20 to Nov. 9 of this year.
Wifey and I used our Nevada Seasonal I.D. to jump the line and get Floor VIP Tickets to the first show. If they can make it through without getting into a fight (which has happened before) we'll be golden. We've got the rooms and flights locked down and will go in a day early, just in case.
Seriously, my friends, this is a huge musical opportunity. In my opinion, this band represents what Boomers are all about (thanks to the Greatest Generation and the Silent Generation).
If you're going please say so. And, if some of our dates there overlap and we can meet, great. But, no pressure and no requirements.
Wifey and I will be at the Venetian. Sphere is right behind it (East side).
I don't care if it hurts. I want to have control. I want a perfect body. I want a perfect soul. - Creep by Radiohead