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Thread: More Americans support violence against Trump…

  1. #1
    FriendofBRW Guest

    More Americans support violence against Trump…

    …than those against candidates according to this study.

    Research shows more Americans support violence to stop a second Trump presidency than back violence in his favor.

    survey conducted in late June from the University of Chicago found that there is now more support for violence against Trump (10% of American adults, or 26 million people) compared with violence in favor of Trump (6.9%, or 18 million people). Until January, the survey showed there was more support for violence in favor of Trump.

    And of the 26 million American adults who support violence to prevent Trump from regaining the presidency, more than 30% own guns and almost 80% have access to internet organizational tools.

    “There are more violent anti-Trump sentiments than pro-Trump sentiments,” Bob Pape, a professor at the University of Chicago who directs the Chicago Project on Security and Threats, had said in an interview before the incident on Saturday night.

    “So we have to be prepared for violence coming”.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Deep inside the Central Scrutinizer.
    Too many people sitting around making up too many stats in this country. Also, toooo many people paying attention to said made up stats.

    Survey questions are typically slated towards predetermined end results.

  3. #3
    FriendofBRW Guest
    And yet, the Congressional baseball game shooter and the Pennsylvania shooter target the same political Party affiliated with Trump. Coincidence… I don’t believe so.

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