The hot weather seems to have disrupted the normal habits of the deer, forcing them to be more nocturnal than is usual for this time of year. The result is that the herd, which dispersed in early April prior to birthing, is just now reforming into small groups. Those groups will merge into the normal herd during August.

Seeing the new "crop" of fawns was also delayed---the does were not coming out in the heat of the day and kept their fawns in the shade as well. Recently, with moderating temperatures, the does are here during the day and bring their fawns out with them. Last night one of the small groups included 2 doe and 5 fawns I suspect this is genetic, but triplets are not that rare in this herd, with one set of triplets most years. Just a guess, because I can't always ID individuals, but I suspect the doe might be mother and daughter and the mother has the triplets. The survival of these triplets seems to equal that of singular or twin births. They also seem not to suffer any slower growth rate.

Some years ago I did have a doe that I could ID because of a scar and she had triplets for three years running--and then "settled down" to twins

Life is good