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Thread: New spice for me

  1. #1
    Join Date
    All Over

    New spice for me


    I'm sure I have had it but wasn't aware of it. My hippy best friend makes her own and gave me some to try---which I have done---I hope she gives me more

    Tonight I put it on steamed cauliflower---it turned what is dull into something far more interesting

    Also I got my bottle of Bill's hot sauce today----I will be checking in on that tomorrow
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Salt Lake City
    That's a new one to me as well. A quick search shows Foodies extolling its virtues. Perhaps I've had some but don't realize it.

    I don't care if it hurts. I want to have control. I want a perfect body. I want a perfect soul. - Creep by Radiohead

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