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Thread: Look in your new world

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Look in your new world

    Accept it it's happening in your backyard.
    OPINION....a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    16 miles west of the White House, Northern Virginia..
    I sit here looking out on a rainy fall morning and look back..

    Four years of Biden.. er.. I’m OK
    Four years of Trump.. er .. I’m OK still
    eight years of Obama.. er.. I’m OK again
    Eight years of W Bush.. er.. I,m OK..
    Eight years of Beel Clinton er actually did pretty good..
    four years of G Bush. Er uh..I’m OK

    I see a trend here..

    This may be the last presidential election that I vote in.. either because I’m a geezer or because of who may win..

    I’ll be OK..

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