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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Around the corner

    Adios again

    Can't take it anymore. There is entirely too much anger being expressed around here. Anger is one thing but the vile hatefull way in which it is being expressed is yet another.

    I don't need the aggrivation and stress this board relays everytime I read the inflamatory crap being posted.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    sorry John.

    bumpersticker by NT Candy, on Flickr

  3. #3
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    Call the waaambulance. You're obviously too sensitive for this place. Perhaps you should sign up at

  4. #4
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    Deep inside the Central Scrutinizer.
    I must have missed it this time

    oh yeah.. no mo political crap for me

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Zig Zag, Oregon
    Originally posted by Phillbo
    I must have missed it this time

    oh yeah.. no mo political crap for me
    I missed it too. Thankfully.

    Politics and religion = fuel for feuds.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    In the Village...
    Check in again from time to time, John...Ben
    The future is forged on the anvil of history...The interpreter of history wields the hammer... - Unknown author...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Cameron Park, Ca
    I thought it was getting kinda tame around here.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Zig Zag, Oregon
    Originally posted by Swany
    I thought it was getting kinda tame around here.

    That's 'cause you've been gone.

  9. #9
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    where the deer and the antelope play (no, *not* Texas!)
    Originally posted by Swany
    I thought it was getting kinda tame around here.
    Me too.
    ~*~ Erin ~*~

    Some people do what they they've gotta do to live where they wanna live. Others live where they have to live to be what they want to be. --Baxter Black.

  10. #10
    DanH's Avatar
    DanH is offline Sept. 06, 1927 - May 24, 2018
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    Originally posted by Phillbo
    I must have missed it this time

    Yeah me too ... although chances are I posted it

    I keep hearing stuff here like you just said ... "Anger is one thing but the vile hatefull way in which it is being expressed is yet another." ... yet nobody seems to have the guts or whatever to actually post a quote of the alleged offending wordage. The CB has some great fine & fair moderators on duty. If you, or anybody else, can illustrate "the vile hateful way" ... that somehow the moderators missed seeing, I'll bet $10-to-$1 they will zap the perb's post in nano-seconds.

    It is also observable that the "vile hateful way" seems to apply to only one side of the political fence, and is only noted as offensive by those on the other side of the political fence. Surely, permitting only "nice talk" about politicians violates the very idea the USA was founded on.


  11. #11
    Join Date
    This site is tame. It's also about the best BS site on the net. I get sick of the whiners pissin and moanin about their widdle toes getting stepped on in the politics forum. Friggin babys need to grow a set or go home to change their diapers.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Originally posted by nox
    This site is tame. It's also about the best BS site on the net. I get sick of the whiners pissin and moanin about their widdle toes getting stepped on in the politics forum. Friggin babys need to grow a set or go home to change their diapers.

    .......and don't be harshin' on his mellow.


    [B]"When starting colts he touches their fire, calms beating hearts and builds their desire" -Mike Beck
    "Time is the gift. Give it freely to your horse and you will both be the better for it." -Buck Brannaman
    ......But then what does a man need besides a good horse, fresh air, plenty to eat, and good friends? Everything else seems like a waste. -Red Stegall (I think)

  13. #13
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    CO- somewhere high up and southwest


    Surely, permitting only "nice talk" about politicians violates the very idea the USA was founded on.

    Nice talk about politicians - truly Un-American. I throw them in with attorneys and used car salesman. I cant even talk nice about the ones I voted for - they still don't do EVERYTHING my way. Why I just don't know - they must not be reading my mind

    Politicians - ba humbug - what do we need with them????

    Oops - I guess we would have nothing to gripe about here with out them - then again we could gripe about our spouses or girlfriends, but that would only last as long as them not finding out about it, and then where would we be - really in the dog house in deep do do.

    I rather have some kind hearted bilge rat beat me up here on politics and religion (help me Lord on that one) then the Boss telling me to sleep in the dog house

    I seem to remember something form grade school "Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never heart me" Took this old fart a while but I finally understand. Negative opinions and verbal abuse are just words - size up who is saying what, listen to what they haft to say, and you might be surprised that you find something you agree on. it might be just.000000000000001 but that better than nothing. The just ignore the rest of the BS and smile - OK grimace - but don't take it personal just because I don't agree - after all YODA will get revenge - remember the Force.

  14. #14
    River Rat's Avatar
    River Rat is offline Aug 15, 1948 - Jan 1, 2007
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    Negative opinions and verbal abuse are just words - size up who is saying what, listen to what they haft to say, and you might be surprised that you find something you agree on.
    Good point little green Jedi. Sometimes you have to get beyond the approach - or call them to task on their approach. Other times you have to evaluate who is doing the vile slinging and just consider the source and let it go. People can see through that. And sometimes it's just baiting. And if you take the bait - well - then you're just as guilty as they are.

    I've mellowed out here. If someone disagrees with me I realize I am not going to change their mind so I agree to disagree and then ignore the rest of the thread. Some I don't even bother looking in because I don't have the time and I can see the thread for what it is....bait.

  15. #15
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    You're a wise man, River Rat, but considering your advanced age, you should be.

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