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Thread: Malhuer National Wildlife Reserve Armed Protest

  1. #31
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  2. #32
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    Forgive me, but that smacks of smear journalism which simply turns me off----for me---straight to the trash.

    Does anyone really care about the prosecutor---a judge made the sentencing decision.

    This is bad enough on the face of it----adding "BS icing to the cake" isn't necessary.
    "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity, an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty” ---Sir Winston Churchill
    "Political extremism involves two prime ingredients: an excessively simple diagnosis of the world's ills, and a conviction that there are identifiable villains back of it all." ---John W. Gardner
    “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” ---C. S. Lewis

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Grubb View Post
    Forgive me, but that smacks of smear journalism which simply turns me off----for me---straight to the trash.

    Does anyone really care about the prosecutor---a judge made the sentencing decision.

    This is bad enough on the face of it----adding "BS icing to the cake" isn't necessary.
    I bet Waco will

    bumpersticker by NT Candy, on Flickr

  4. #34
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    This appointee made a serious mistake in sentencing. Anyone can see it. That is the real trash is all of this.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by blaze View Post
    This appointee made a serious mistake in sentencing. Anyone can see it. That is the real trash is all of this.
    I'm not sure I am following, please explain. Is the prosecutor the appointee?
    "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity, an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty” ---Sir Winston Churchill
    "Political extremism involves two prime ingredients: an excessively simple diagnosis of the world's ills, and a conviction that there are identifiable villains back of it all." ---John W. Gardner
    “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” ---C. S. Lewis

  6. #36
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    As I understand it the feds were not satisfied with the judges sentence so they refiled for the federal sentencing.

    First fire, Point A...
    (i) In the early fall of 2001, Steven Hammond (Son) called the fire department, informing them that he was going to be performing a routine prescribed burn on their ranch. Later that day he started a prescribed fire on their private property. The fire went onto public land and burned 127 acres of grass. The Hammonds put the fire out themselves. There was no communication about the burn from the federal government to the Hammonds at that time. Prescribed fires are a common method that Native Americans and ranchers have used in the area to increase the health & productivity of the land for many centuries.

    Second fire, Point B....
    (j) In 2006 a massive lightning storm started multiple fires that joined together inflaming the countryside. To prevent the fire from destroying their winter range and possibly their home, Steven Hammond (Son) started a backfire on their private property. The backfire was successful in putting out the lightning fires that had covered thousands of acres within a short period of time. The backfire saved much of the range and vegetation needed to feed the cattle through the winter. Steven’s mother, Susan Hammond said: “The backfire worked perfectly, it put out the fire, saved the range and possibly our home”.
    If they had already admitted to setting the fires why would the home need to be raided?
    (m) In September 2006, Dwight & Susan Hammond’s home was raided. The agents informed the Hammonds they were looking for evidence that would connect them to the fires. The Hammonds later found out a boot print and a tire tracks were found near one of the many fires. No matching boots or tires were found in the Hammonds home or on their property. Susan Hammond (Wife) later said; ” I have never felt so violated in my life. We are ranchers not criminals”. Steven Hammond openly maintains his testimony that he started the backfire to save the winter grass from being destroyed and the backfire ended up working so well it put out the fire altogether.
    They have NOT paid the original 400,000...
    To date the Hammonds have paid $200,000 to the BLM, and the remainder $200,000 must be paid before the end of year (2015). If the Hammonds cannot pay the fines to the BLM, they will be forced to sell the ranch to the BLM or face further prosecution.
    The BLM forced the ranchers to be the first in line if they had to sell their lands and now with the ranchers back in jail and the women having to run the ranch and pay another 200,000 by the end of the year or the BLM gets the ranch makes the "imminent domain" argument that people have been whining about for years into a federal land grab.

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Grubb View Post
    I'm not sure I am following, please explain. Is the prosecutor the appointee?
    Dave, I believe she was appointed by Obama. Tx pretty much explained it. They couldn't even find evidence it was an arson cover up from poaching.

  8. #38
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    And now the the federal prosecutor is resigning from her office citing "health reasons". From this short article it sure seems like she was involved in several "not so innocent" actions other than the ranchers case.
    Update: Amanda Marshall has resigned, citing health issues, a spokeswoman for the Attorney's office confirmed. The Oregonian reports Marshall sent a note to colleagues and the resignation is effective May 15.
    PORTLAND, Ore. – The U.S. Attorney for the District of Oregon, Amanda Marshall, has taken a leave of absence from her position as the top federal prosecutor in the state.
    Gerri Badden, spokeswoman for the U.S. Attorney's Office, confirmed that Amanda Marshall is on leave. She would not provide any additional information about the leave and said no press advisory would be issued. Marshall is still listed as the U.S. Attorney for Oregon on the U.S. Department of Justice website.
    Bill Williams, who was Marshall's first assistant, has taken over as acting U.S. Attorney.
    Although DOJ officials are keeping quiet about any reasons why Marshall would take leave, Marshall told The Oregonian that she has been having health issues for months and "can't serve right now."
    The newspaper also reported that the U.S. Justice Department is investigating a relationship Marshall had with assistant U.S. Attorney Scott M. Kerin, a subordinate of Marshall's. According to Oregonian sources, Kerin tried to break off a relationship with Marshall and he reported it to Justice Department superiors.
    Badden would not confirm whether an investigation has been opened. Kerin is married to a federal prosecutor; Marshall is married to a Yamhill County Circuit Court judge.
    The Oregonian also talked to Charese Rohny, an employment lawyer hired by Marshall. Rohny said she spoke with the Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General (OIG) and was told that Kerin, not his client, was the subject of the investigation.
    In a statement Monday, the OIG said that was untrue.
    "The statements in the article attributed to a lawyer for U.S. Attorney Marshall do not accurately represent the position of the OIG. Consistent with our policies regarding OIG investigations, we will not comment further," said spokesman John Lavinsky.
    Adding to the strange situation, the Willamette Week reported Monday that Kerin was under armed protection because his life was threatened by Mexican drug dealers. Emails obtained by the Willamette Week said Kerin asked Assistant U.S. Attorney Thomas Edmonds to act as interim Drug Unit Chief while he remained under protective detail.
    Amanda Marshall took over as U.S. Attorney for the District of Oregon in September 2011. In her position, she managed a staff of more than 100 people in three Oregon offices and oversaw all Oregon federal and civil cases on behalf of the United States.
    Marshall's office recently opened an investigation into former Governor John Kitzhaber's and his fiancee, Cylvia Hayes, amid reports that the couple used Kitzhaber's position as governor for Hayes' financial gain. That investigation is ongoing.

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    And now the the federal prosecutor is resigning from her office citing "health reasons". From this short article it sure seems like she was involved in several "not so innocent" actions other than the ranchers case.
    That was nine months ago...I wonder how the investigation against her is going......Ben
    The future is forged on the anvil of history...The interpreter of history wields the hammer... - Unknown author...

  10. #40
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    But are her actions going to be a basis for bringing the rest of these cases against the ranchers that lost their land going to bring out the lawyers with lawsuits in each hand? Obviously this was a simple local issue until the national attention has brought the details to the forefront. After all, there is nothing like an awakening due to media exposure that makes the whole country buzz with opinions. How many of us knew the atrocities being committed by the feds until that group of men took over a closed federal office in the middle of nowhere?

    Look at what the "Black Lives Matter" and the "Hands up don't shoot" bunches of looks generated once the national outlets got a hold of it. I make no distinction between any of them actually.

  11. #41
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    "The only thing that we learn from torture is the depths of our own moral depravity"

  12. #42
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    Oregon is about as liberal as it gets. Taxed by the mile driven,....heck those cowboys in Oregon would be like be opening a church in Iran. Maybe they could have hidden in Portland or SF instead of going to jail.

  13. #43
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    more on the issues, a different pov

    bumpersticker by NT Candy, on Flickr

  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2ndthyme View Post
    more on the issues, a different pov

    ""A cow drinks on a section of the Jarbidge where herbicide spraying, trampling, and the planting of exotic grasses like cheatgrass have destroyed the native vegetation and ground cover. Photograph by Tomas van Houtryve""

    Strange they plant cheatgrass down there. Here we wipe it out ASAP. I hate that stuff. So do the dogs (ears).

  15. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2ndthyme View Post
    more on the issues, a different pov

    ""A cow drinks on a section of the Jarbidge where herbicide spraying, trampling, and the planting of exotic grasses like cheatgrass have destroyed the native vegetation and ground cover. Photograph by Tomas van Houtryve""

    Strange they plant cheatgrass down there. Here we wipe it out ASAP. I hate that stuff. So do the dogs (ears).

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