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Thread: Top Democrats — “We Have Found The Enemy And He Is Us”

  1. #1
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    San Antonio, Tx.

    Top Democrats — “We Have Found The Enemy And He Is Us”

    Counter cyber warriors in the Obama Administration have been quoted in a new book to have confessed that they were ordered to “knock it off” by Susan Rice, the National Security Advisor at the time, with plans to counter known attempts by Russians to interfer with the 2016 election. This is being reported in a book to be published shortly by two Obama supporters and rabid lefties, Michael Isikoff & David Corn, and was exerpted in Mother Jones.

    Widely reported everywhere but the MSM.
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  2. #2
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    Colorado Springs , Colorado
    Quote Originally Posted by wacojoe View Post
    Counter cyber warriors in the Obama Administration have been quoted in a new book to have confessed that they were ordered to “knock it off” by Susan Rice, the National Security Advisor at the time, with plans to counter known attempts by Russians to interfer with the 2016 election. This is being reported in a book to be published shortly by two Obama supporters and rabid lefties, Michael Isikoff & David Corn, and was exerpted in Mother Jones.

    Widely reported everywhere but the MSM.
    Thank you for posting this.

    It is a great read and shows the start of the Russian attack on the US and the efforts of the GOP to allow them as long as Russia's target was Secretary Clinton.

    To this day the GOP claims there was no attack and their continuing attacks are simply figments of our imagination.

    The person who was benefitting from the Russian cyber attacks is now sitting in the White House saying Putin is his best friend and refuses to acknowledge the power of the Congress to impose sanctions on our enemy.

  3. #3
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    San Antonio, Tx.
    Very odd how some people can read a piece and contort the content to unrecognizable gibberish.
    Is it contrivance, self-delusion or pathology that causes this distortion? It’s a mystery, but there it is!
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  4. #4
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    Colorado Springs , Colorado
    Quote Originally Posted by wacojoe View Post
    Very odd how some people can read a piece and contort the content to unrecognizable gibberish.
    Is it contrivance, self-delusion or pathology that causes this distortion? It’s a mystery, but there it is!
    Perhaps you need to read the book.

    I do find it refreshing you are now admitting there was and is an ongoing attack on America by our President's friend Vladimir Putin.

    The first step to winning a war is admitting we are at war.

  5. #5
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    San Antonio, Tx.
    Never denied it. It has been going on from Russia since the thirties. As an old Union thug, you should know that from the heart. They were your ally. Collectivists stick together. Apparently, and Obama even said it on TV, zer’O did not believe whatever Putin was about would make any difference and backed that up with a Stand Down order to block or counteract it.
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  6. #6
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    Colorado Springs , Colorado
    Quote Originally Posted by wacojoe View Post
    Never denied it. It has been going on from Russia since the thirties. As an old Union thug, you should know that from the heart. They were your ally. Apparently, and Obama even said it on TV, zer’O did not believe whatever Putin was about would make any difference and backed that up with a Stand Down order to block or counteract it.
    And now President Trump will not allow Congress or his cybersecurity agencies to punish Russia or block any of the continued attacks.

    “I haven’t been granted any additional authorities,” U.S. Cyber Command chief Adm. Michael Rogers, who also serves as director of the National Security Agency (NSA), told lawmakers on the Senate Armed Services Committee.

    More than one-quarter of a panel tasked with advising the Homeland Security Department on cybersecurity and infrastructure protection resigned en masse Monday, citing President Donald Trump’s “insufficient attention” to the nation’s cyber vulnerabilities, among other complaints.
    If you are critical of President Obama's response to the beginning of the war with Russia where is the outrage at President Trump's continued position that we were never attacked and the attacks can continue?

    As I said earlier The first step to winning a war is admitting we are at war.

  7. #7
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    You forgot to mention Adm. Rogers testified he did not ask for or request more authority.

    A skirmish is not a war.
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  8. #8
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    Russia is already being sanctioned, those put in place by Obama before he left. He ran off the russian ambassadors and instituted "tough sanctions" on them, he even made a big deal in the press after his flunky lost the election.

    I just wonder if the results of this was maybe something that was caught on a hot mic, between Obama and Medvedev talking about him "having more leeway after the elections" and that was back in 2012. Shortly afterwards Putin invades Ukraine. I don't see you pushing any of your dark fantasy BS about that.

    Sometimes to win the war, you do not publicly tell the stupid media what you are doing either. I guess the media is so used to the Obama folks telling them everything they feel left out now. Maybe Trump feels that it is none of their damn business what the plans are and they can judge the impact after the plan is working. Maybe he saw how the media helped Hilliary to lose and does not wan them involved in his game plans.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    Russia is already being sanctioned, those put in place by Obama before he left. He ran off the russian ambassadors and instituted "tough sanctions" on them, he even made a big deal in the press after his flunky lost the election.

    I just wonder if the results of this was maybe something that was caught on a hot mic, between Obama and Medvedev talking about him "having more leeway after the elections" and that was back in 2012. Shortly afterwards Putin invades Ukraine. I don't see you pushing any of your dark fantasy BS about that.

    Sometimes to win the war, you do not publicly tell the stupid media what you are doing either. I guess the media is so used to the Obama folks telling them everything they feel left out now. Maybe Trump feels that it is none of their damn business what the plans are and they can judge the impact after the plan is working. Maybe he saw how the media helped Hilliary to lose and does not wan them involved in his game plans.
    I think telling the media and actively defending Russia are entirely different things.

    The Congress, angry at Russia's attacks on our democratic processes, in a bilateral vote of 517 yeas and 5 nays, sent the Russia sanctions bill to President Trump. Being a vote that could not be overturned by a Presidential veto, President Trump signed it into law on August 2, 2017 with an effective deadline of January 29, 2018.

    On January 29, 2018 President Trump refused to impose any sanctions on our attacker and instead continues to try to remove any sanctions imposed during the Obama Administration.

    This appears to be making nice with our enemy instead of standing tall and strong, defending democracy.

  10. #10
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    It was always in the plan Don. The russians got the Donald elected so that is would give them a private key to the secret senate washroom. He has worked with them so closely in the past, you know I hear their grandmothers went to different schools together. Bot trump and putin figured out that the congress was almost worthless ans never does anything, so they hatched a plan and decided that it would be better to start the ball rolling while obama was in office, that way they had plausible deniability and Barry would be the scapegoat. It would also protect vlad from hilliarys henchmen, because it was discussed how all of her detractors, somehow ended up dead.

    The hard part was getting both sides of congress to agree on anything but the two of them figured out a way. Put a man whose policies were near and dear to vlad to run against her, bribe the dnc to shut him out to create a smokescreen and then have donald deny everything. Perfect no miss plan and 60 million american voters were all in on the marvelous plan.

    now trump can open as many hotels in russia as he wants and everyone is riding unicorns over rainbows and they lived happily ever after.. The End

  11. #11
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    Colorado Springs , Colorado
    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    It was always in the plan Don. The russians got the Donald elected so that is would give them a private key to the secret senate washroom. He has worked with them so closely in the past, you know I hear their grandmothers went to different schools together. Bot trump and putin figured out that the congress was almost worthless ans never does anything, so they hatched a plan and decided that it would be better to start the ball rolling while obama was in office, that way they had plausible deniability and Barry would be the scapegoat. It would also protect vlad from hilliarys henchmen, because it was discussed how all of her detractors, somehow ended up dead.

    The hard part was getting both sides of congress to agree on anything but the two of them figured out a way. Put a man whose policies were near and dear to vlad to run against her, bribe the dnc to shut him out to create a smokescreen and then have donald deny everything. Perfect no miss plan and 60 million american voters were all in on the marvelous plan.

    now trump can open as many hotels in russia as he wants and everyone is riding unicorns over rainbows and they lived happily ever after.. The End
    You make some very good points there TxMusky.

    Although I wonder, will it better suit Putin's plan to allow the GOP to consolidate power in 2018 or to further the seeds of discord by backing the Democrats?

    I suppose the answer would depend on whether he wishes to discredit democracy or simply control America.

    It is truly interesting times we live in.

  12. #12
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    Maybe the important thing is to protect the country, not assign blame at this point.

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