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Thread: Presidential vendettas

  1. #1
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    Presidential vendettas

    Trump is using the office of President to cause financial harm to people he doesn't like.

    Nothing else can explain his spasm of outrage about Amazon. He hates Bezos because he hates the Washington Post, so he's using his office to cause Bezos financial harm.

    A vindictive six year old got elected President because people found it cathartic. Hope everyone is enjoying the ride.

  2. #2
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    Crescent City CA. where the redwoods meet the sea.
    Good ride as we don't like the fake news that Washington Post puts out. I've found eBay has better deals than Amazon and free shipping.

  3. #3
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    Can you cite an example of this "fake news" I hear so much about? From what I can tell, it is anything that Trump doesn't like.

    Got an example?

  4. #4
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    So the last admin, who did not like the coal industry or the automotive industry did not do somethings that hurt their business? I still remember all of the lies people told about fracing and the govt at that time was pushing the lies full speed ahead.

    As far as the POTUS hurting those who spoke out against him, that river runs both directions. You remember Obama's attacks on FOX news, the wiretapping of James Rosen, who was a private citizen, and his parents as well. How about ALL of the policemen and women he accused of being bad apples and actually got protesters and marchers up in arms and probably got several of the hurt or killed by his childish rants.

    I'm enjoying the hell out of the ride. If people would focus on what is actually happening and quit veering off any direction the Dems and the MSM tend to point the car, you might actually see some good.

    Unemployment is down
    Wages are up
    Taxes are lower
    A new Healthcare system is in the works
    ISIS is now being driven back into their holes
    First time in a very long time NKorea is willing to talk and has not fired a missile in a while
    Trump was ready to get the DACA fix signed into law
    Police officers are being praised as heroes, instead of killers with a badge
    Our servicemen and women are being hailed as the heroes they are instead of Neanderthals

    There are good things happening, things that normal people on Main Streets all across America are feeling, but of course the liberal MSM will not make that the focus, it does not fit their agenda. If people would stop falling for the hate and anguish the left is making a focal point, people would see that things are working. The media focuses on things that have nothing to do with running the govt, they are focusing on the supermarket tabloid BS and the lemmings keep falling for it.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kevin View Post
    Can you cite an example of this "fake news" I hear so much about? From what I can tell, it is anything that Trump doesn't like.

    Got an example?
    Trump Russia Collusion. Bam, that just happened

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    So the last admin, who did not like the coal industry or the automotive industry did not do somethings that hurt their business? I still remember all of the lies people told about fracing and the govt at that time was pushing the lies full speed ahead.

    As far as the POTUS hurting those who spoke out against him, that river runs both directions. You remember Obama's attacks on FOX news, the wiretapping of James Rosen, who was a private citizen, and his parents as well. How about ALL of the policemen and women he accused of being bad apples and actually got protesters and marchers up in arms and probably got several of the hurt or killed by his childish rants.
    I see. So you were against it when Obama was doing it but OK when Trump is doing it? Whether something is wrong or not depends on who is doing it?

    And you say OTHERS are lemmings? OK....

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    Trump Russia Collusion. Bam, that just happened
    We don't know if any collusion happened. That's why Mueller is investigating.

    So the idea that there isn't any collusion is what is fake news, I guess, since people who don't know if it is true are promoting it as fact.

    You're right - BAM! Just happened. Thanks for making my point.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kevin View Post
    I see. So you were against it when Obama was doing it but OK when Trump is doing it? Whether something is wrong or not depends on who is doing it?

    And you say OTHERS are lemmings? OK....
    Obama was actually lying about the fracing and the police. WHole different ball game there.

    Wiretapping a private citizen and his paprents for no good reason should have gotten somebody thrown in jail as it is more than childish, it is illegal.

    Big difference, one is no quite as bad as the other.

  9. #9
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    Same question - if you were against a President using the power of his office against private citizens then, why are you OK with it now?

    Unless, of course, this time it is yer boy who is doing it. Best not to bring up lemmings in the future, Tx.

  10. #10
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    I have said it many times, if they find something that Trump did or is doing and can prove in a court of law that he is guilty, throw the SOB out. Just like I have said about any and all other politicians throughout all of my years here at the CB.

    I posted above, what I considered the things I look at first, that I consider to be part of the job I hired him to do. ALL of the other nonsense has grown so old to me, has been warped completely out of it;s original meaning and shape, that I am deaf to the BS that others take as "big deals".

    Oh by the way, you new signature line is laughable. The guy was a big baby when he lost. His state got the RNC with all of the bells and whistles and he is such a bad sport that he refuses to even show up? He is the representative of the people of that State and with that title he should have shown more poise and dignity and put his big boy panties on and did his damn job, he instead crapped in his diaper and he will never be elected to any other public office outside of his home borders.

    Also he has been in politics for way to long and by my standards he falls into the category as one of the problems that needs to go.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    I have said it many times, if they find something that Trump did or is doing and can prove in a court of law that he is guilty, throw the SOB out. Just like I have said about any and all other politicians throughout all of my years here at the CB.
    Yet you are in favor of closing down the Mueller investigation before it has run its course. Those two things are incompatible.

    Oh by the way, you new signature line is laughable. The guy was a big baby when he lost. His state got the RNC with all of the bells and whistles and he is such a bad sport that he refuses to even show up? He is the representative of the people of that State and with that title he should have shown more poise and dignity and put his big boy panties on and did his damn job, he instead crapped in his diaper and he will never be elected to any other public office outside of his home borders.

    Also he has been in politics for way to long and by my standards he falls into the category as one of the problems that needs to go.
    My standards for acting like a baby have been realigned by the two year old running this country. Everyone is more adult than he is.

  12. #12
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    Never said they should shut it down, they never should have started it. Let it run it's course now, shutting it down would only give the Dems a false rant to drive us nuts with for the next 2 years. Only a blind man would not see that stacking the investigation with Hilliary supporters and voters does not look right, but it will be even better in the end when all of the bias stacked up could not find one shred of evidence to convict any of them on. That will also work very much against the ONLY thing that Dems have had to get all testy about.

    Frankly I have enjoyed the silence coming from the corner of Schumer and Pelosi and a few other of the louder yaps from the left. Even small prayers are answered by God.

    Again Kev, I do not care if he shows up to work in his bathrobe, as long as he is getting something done, where the other well dressed, well mannered, well sponsored buffoons got us into all of this mess. I did not hire him for his poise and demeanor and to be suave and debonair, I wanted a person who would get down in the mud, grap the pigs by their curly little tails and toss them into the truck heading to the slaughterhouse, so they will never be back in their jobs again. If I have to deal with a guy that is unshaven, uses the same language that I use on a daily basis and finds the drain in that cesspool, my vote was not wasted. I didn't hire a saint, I already have a God and I rate people by the job they do, not how they do it.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    Never said they should shut it down, they never should have started it. Let it run it's course now, shutting it down would only give the Dems a false rant to drive us nuts with for the next 2 years. Only a blind man would not see that stacking the investigation with Hilliary supporters and voters does not look right, but it will be even better in the end when all of the bias stacked up could not find one shred of evidence to convict any of them on. That will also work very much against the ONLY thing that Dems have had to get all testy about.
    One of the things that people have never understood about public service is that we were required to actively guard against letting personal opinions affect our delivery of service to the public. The fact that no one can believe that this occurs is part of the tribalism afflicting our country.

    Frankly I have enjoyed the silence coming from the corner of Schumer and Pelosi and a few other of the louder yaps from the left. Even small prayers are answered by God.
    Well, that's a pretty big one, given the sizes of their mouths and egos, so if we have you to thank for that, you've done us a service.

    Again Kev, I do not care if he shows up to work in his bathrobe, as long as he is getting something done, where the other well dressed, well mannered, well sponsored buffoons got us into all of this mess. I did not hire him for his poise and demeanor and to be suave and debonair, I wanted a person who would get down in the mud, grap the pigs by their curly little tails and toss them into the truck heading to the slaughterhouse, so they will never be back in their jobs again. If I have to deal with a guy that is unshaven, uses the same language that I use on a daily basis and finds the drain in that cesspool, my vote was not wasted. I didn't hire a saint, I already have a God and I rate people by the job they do, not how they do it.
    I care. Acting like a mature, responsible adult is not too much to ask of a man we have entrusted with so much power. Right now, I think Pence would be a huge improvement and I don't even like Pence. Too sanctimonious.

  14. #14
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    Are you saying that all of the others are acting like adults as well? If you are I disagree, they are the very reason why Trump has to act the way he does. A simple politician would get eaten alive in todays political climate. There are no holds barred when one steps into that ring, you have your enemies to fight, the opposition party to fight and even your own party to fight. Walking in like a lamb will get you nothing but BBQed on a spit.

    Personal opinions in politics is the reason why they are in politics. Govt service is no different, it is the same. If it did not matter you would not vote in elections. Personal opinions are forcing our teachers to make our kids pawns in the political game, taking them out of school for personal demonstrations. That is wrong, that is not mature and they should be fired for using our kids in that manner. If you do not like your job, then quit. You knew what your job was when you hired on, don't whine now.

    If Trump sticks a foot up the tail feathers of everybody that has brought up fraudulent accusations that is his business. He has not broken any laws, and maybe those who would spread manure and get hammered down a notch or two or lose a billion or two, will rethink their brilliant plan next time.

    I actually took great pride in being a deplorable, that is no way to sway voters to your camp. If you take the road that starts kicking dirt in the face of those who you are trying to get a vote from, is considered the right way to go about it, they will have a long time to think about how stupid that approach was as they wait at the unemployment office.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    Are you saying that all of the others are acting like adults as well? If you are I disagree, they are the very reason why Trump has to act the way he does.
    There you go again, justifying an odorous action based on the odorous actions of others. Momma, she touched me! Yeah, but he started it!

    Time to grow up and accept responsibility for your own actions, not the actions of others.
    The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible - Arthur C. Clarke

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