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Thread: If walls don't work

  1. #16
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    rather not see us pay billions of dollars creating something that doesn't stop border crossings. What is you guys say about more gun laws?

    the fences and walls can all be climbed and tunneled under. We can't fill the 20,000 open jobs for border gaurds now, who is going to patrol the big "wall"

    those national guardsmen, are going to be helping the caravaners into the trucks that transfer them to holding facilities where they'll recieve free food and medical while they await processing.. when they run out of space, we'll pay for another resort to put them up hey? not exactly the fantasy of soldiers with guns keeping us safe huh?

    bumpersticker by NT Candy, on Flickr

  2. #17
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    No, they need to hold them for the next bus to take them back to mexico without any processing other than a couple of fingerprints and a photo being taken.

    The border wall is like the "increased background checks" it restricts the easy route to get in. Some things are not easy to get over or under and it does slow the process down enough so that an armed patrol can get there in time and apprehend them as they come over the top or emerge from the tunnel.

    Drones, cameras or choppers can watch the entire length of the wall and when a group comes out to dig or climb, they can have a personalized welcoming party there to greet them. Yes it will be tougher inside cities like El Paso in Texas, but it will forced them to go to specific points where real living officers can apprehend them and check their legal status at those "choke points". This helps more than just leaving hundreds of miles of wide open spaces to also cover.

    They do not get to stay, get caught, get sent directly home. No motels, medical care or clothing. Hand them a sandwich and a bottle of water while they are loading into buses to be transferred back to where they came from.

  3. #18
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    San Antonio, Tx.
    2T has a point, I think. As I understand it, any immigrant who crosses the border who is not a Mexican or Canadian is entitled to claim refugee status and is automatically introduced into the court system until their case is heard by the immigration courts. They cannot forcably be expelled during their wait for their case to be heard. The back-up in those courts is years long. What do you do with them in the meantime? Democrats will block any change in that law.

    I don’t see how troops could keep the waves of immigrants from setting foot on American soil even if they caught them in the river.
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  4. #19
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    They can wait for their court date on the other side f the border. If the law states anything different then that law needs to go away. It should be up to us the citizens to decide if we are to be assaulted by anybody and everybody crossing into our Country illegally. If they can plan to travel hundreds of miles across unrelenting desert, then surely they can write a letter and let somebody know the are coming and want to live here. that way the process can work as it is supposed to, not just kick the front door down, walk into the house and demand a bed.

  5. #20
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    Ever hear of Clark AB Republic of it.....

    They had a wall around it, the only USAF base in the world with a wall....before the wall they had a electric fence, before the electric fence they had a it and find out the history of Clark AB.

    Before Clark was destroyed I was there, spent many a long hour there and saw/did **** that's bizarre......but ya know what, the wall works, it worked at Clark to help protect the base, you use a layered defense system, everything can be defeated given enough time, but at what cost...

    Build a wall you narrow the gaps people can come into it with, we have technology to detect digging and tunnels just as we have it to stop people from climbing...ever think the wall will be designed so people can't climb over it....sure you might have 1 in 500 that ya have 1 that did and 500 that did not....

    You have no idea what they will be ding, other than what the media is tell you, dont be shocked to find out your wrong....if they even tell you what to think....

    Quote Originally Posted by 2ndthyme View Post
    rather not see us pay billions of dollars creating something that doesn't stop border crossings. What is you guys say about more gun laws?

    the fences and walls can all be climbed and tunneled under. We can't fill the 20,000 open jobs for border gaurds now, who is going to patrol the big "wall"

    those national guardsmen, are going to be helping the caravaners into the trucks that transfer them to holding facilities where they'll recieve free food and medical while they await processing.. when they run out of space, we'll pay for another resort to put them up hey? not exactly the fantasy of soldiers with guns keeping us safe huh?

  6. #21
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    Would it be inappropriate to treat the invaders like a invading army......

    You show up with 500 of your buds and your running the crossing, knowing and willing attacking and breaking US laws.....

    Open fire....let the bodies hit the floor......

    Quote Originally Posted by wacojoe View Post
    2T has a point, I think. As I understand it, any immigrant who crosses the border who is not a Mexican or Canadian is entitled to claim refugee status and is automatically introduced into the court system until their case is heard by the immigration courts. They cannot forcably be expelled during their wait for their case to be heard. The back-up in those courts is years long. What do you do with them in the meantime? Democrats will block any change in that law.

    I don’t see how troops could keep the waves of immigrants from setting foot on American soil even if they caught them in the river.

  7. #22
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    Apache Junction, AZ
    Glad you Dork and Tx have all the answers. To bad most of it doesn't work that way in the real world. If it did Billy and his Indian friends would be throwing people out left and right since most came here illegally.

    "Everyday I beat my own previous record for number of consecutive days I've
    stayed alive."

    'Take care of yourself, and each other.'

  8. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by FredK View Post
    Glad you Dork and Tx have all the answers. To bad most of it doesn't work that way in the real world. If it did Billy and his Indian friends would be throwing people out left and right since most came here illegally.
    Ya know what, times change chuckle head.....when people came here in the past they came legally as laws of the land were different. Just like Indians (feather) we no angle and they raided and stole from other tribes as they wanted...get over the past and stop pretending to give a ****...

    Walls will not work 100% of the time, but they will greatly improve things.

    Take off your doors, open your windows, never lock your house, your garage, your cars.....oh wait, your a hypocrite and live behind locked doors, your not going to do what you preach, your a hypocrite...

    We both know you will never stop living behind locked doors and will always call the police if somebody breaks into your house.....

    Hell, I come to your place and walk in and refuse to leave....what ya going to your house......

    Way back when on the other site I was on the AZ border with mexico and a good friend in law enforcement.....and had a Mexican Humvee in America pointing a mother ****ing 50 cal at us.....****ing Mexicans had invaded America and we pointing the MG at us....and it happens almost daily.....

    But you know everything, you refuse to open your eyes and go down there and look, talk to the people and listen to them when they tell you they want fences..borders, walls....

    Ya remember on th other site when the wife, daughter and I were camping in AZ along the border in a bronco (was before 97) and had to forf a stream to get to a campground & that night had 3 drunk Mexicans try and rape the wife...and only cuz I had a 1911 and the wife had a 9mm Berretta were they sent packing and I did not get any sleep that night. Then when we reported it to the Sher riff the next day, how he told us we should have just shot they had a tond of home invasions, camp invasions, rapes and such in that area....

    They would come over the boarder at night and go back before sun came up over and over and over......

    Will will stop that.....but noooo, lets not stop the illegals from coming, they need a new start, a new place to turn into the ****hole they are laving.....

    They refuse to fight for their country and come here and turn this place into a ****hole....**** that, I'm tired of it, tired of being the evil what guy....

  9. #24
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    I really don't care what they do I just want our law to be enforced. If California doesn't like the law if Oregon doesn't like the law if New York doesn't like the law if Washington doesn't like the law get your senators and your Congressman to go to the United States Congress and change the law otherwise quit bitching about it. If it takes a wall to stop illegal immigration so be it if it can be done with enhanced enforcement and technological advances so be it if he could be done by growing grass very high on the border then so be it just stop the illegal immigration. I mean really it's illegal. It's not that complicated
    OPINION....a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

  10. #25
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    I agree Honda, whatever works.

  11. #26
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    Columbia, S.C.
    I agree with Dork in the other thread. Paraphrasing here but it went something like this, "SHOOT THEM!"
    It seems that 60 minutes at least every other show has footage of mexicans climbing the wall. They will just sit on top until its clear and then make a run for it. Shoot three or four of those fools off the wall and they won't be bothering us as much, that's for sure. One of the other problems with the wall will be maintenance. The Mexicans will steady be trying to tear it up. Maybe just use rubber bullets, from what I hear they hurt.
    This is your mind on drugs!

  12. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by mgrist View Post
    I agree with Dork in the other thread. Paraphrasing here but it went something like this, "SHOOT THEM!"
    It seems that 60 minutes at least every other show has footage of mexicans climbing the wall. They will just sit on top until its clear and then make a run for it. Shoot three or four of those fools off the wall and they won't be bothering us as much, that's for sure. One of the other problems with the wall will be maintenance. The Mexicans will steady be trying to tear it up. Maybe just use rubber bullets, from what I hear they hurt.
    We had bullet proof towers on the permiter of Clark AB spaced out every so often & you sat in them watching for people climbing the wall & when alarms went off or ya saw somebody, a intruder chase patrol was dispatched, or horse patrol for the most part....

    Anywhoo, I was standing in a tower looking out over the wall and suddnley right in front of my face CRACK....a bullet hit the glass....then 2-3 more from somewhere off base....not like we could shoot back at that point....

    But its a tad unnerving getting shot in the face the 1st time even if ya have 6" of bullet proof glass between you and the bullet.....

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