I don't know guys you act like he should have just punched Putin in the nose. There are more ways to fight a battle then to magnify hostility's. We're doing the same thing to him as we have to dozens of other country's. We talk about needing compromise here but I guess we don't need it there? There were far more important things to talk about than to ruin the whole summit from the start. Putin isn't going to back down and piss himself because he got accused of screwing with our crooked elections. Have any of you supported a president in your life time? You all hated Trump before he started, he has never had a chance and if he does get something done you all will be just like the dems you'll trash him good or bad. I think I'd rather drink the kool aid for a bit then to live with the hate and anger you mostly all carry around just like the dems. We're killing ourselves, we are so busy hating each other that the first Hitler that stops by may need to run for office.