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Thread: Kavanaugh Accuser Lied

  1. #1
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    Kavanaugh Accuser Lied

    Well well well, one of the accusers that said she was raped several times by the judge has now said that she lied and has been referred to the DOJ for making false statements and obstruction. Now since the "Jane Doe" letter was presented to and by Kamala Harriss, she should be thrown off of the committee for doing the same thing. In fact she should be reprimanded and prosecuted to the fulest extent of the law by Congress and the Senate.
    Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley on Friday referred a woman who'd accused Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh of raping her “several times” in the backseat of a car to the Justice Department for “materially false statements” and “obstruction.”
    Kavanaugh, confirmed to the high court on Oct. 6, was infamously accused by multiple women of sexual assault and misconduct before the confirmation.
    Judy Munro-Leighton, according to Grassley’s office, “alleged that Justice Kavanaugh and a friend had raped her ‘several times each’ in the backseat of a car.”
    Those accusations were made via a "Jane Doe" letter provided to Sen. Kamala Harris, a California Democrat and committee member, Grassley’s office wrote.
    Upon further investigation, however, inconsistencies in the story emerged.
    “Given her relatively unique name, Committee investigators were able to use open-source research to locate Ms. Munro-Leighton and determine that she: (1) is a left-wing activist; (2) is decades older than Judge Kavanaugh; and (3) lives in neither the Washington DC area nor California, but in Kentucky,” Grassley’s office wrote.
    “Under questioning by Committee investigators, Ms. Munro-Leighton admitted, contrary to her prior claims, that she had not been sexually assaulted by ... Kavanaugh and was not the author of the original 'Jane Doe’ letter,” Grassley’s office wrote in a Friday referral to the DOJ.
    “When directly asked by Committee investigators if she was, as she had claimed, the ‘Jane Doe’ from Oceanside California who had sent the letter to Senator Harris, she admitted: ‘No, no, no. I did that as a way to grab attention. I am not Jane Doe . . . but I did read Jane Doe’s letter. I read the transcript of the call to your Committee. . . . I saw it online. It was news.”
    “In short, during the Committee’s time-sensitive investigation of allegations against Judge Kavanaugh, Ms. Munro-Leighton submitted a fabricated allegation, which diverted Committee resources. When questioned by Committee investigators she admitted it was false, a ‘ploy,’ and a ‘tactic,’” Grassley’s office wrote. “She was opposed to Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation.”
    Now to get Avenatti and his whore(s) in front of a judge as well.
    Last edited by TxMusky; 11-02-2018 at 09:55 PM. Reason: forgot link

  2. #2
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    Columbia, S.C.
    Anyone that didn't know the whole thing was a pack of lies just didn't take the time to think about it or look at it.As soon as the first woman said something 200 million women said that SOB! Never looked at or read anything.
    This is your mind on drugs!

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by mgrist View Post
    Anyone that didn't know the whole thing was a pack of lies just didn't take the time to think about it or look at it.As soon as the first woman said something 200 million women said that SOB! Never looked at or read anything.
    I agree mike, you could smell that one from a mile off. Pretty scary stuff when it all of a sudden though ALL men were guilty of doing something. I am not an angel by any means but drinking a bunch of beer back in your high school days and getting a little rowdy does not make you a rapist, unless of course you have some charges filed in you for just that. And I will be lenient here, you do not even have to be convicted of it, but just filed, to make your story believable.

    How a persons hatred can make them lie and have half the Country believe a lie is a slap in the face to our legal system. These were not your average everyday activists, these were elected Senators and lawyers!! That is scary as hell, that justice is now nothing but a word, and the ones who are to be making our laws are nothing but counterfeit. Dam disgrace.... and then these same people turn around and accuse our POTUS of all sorts of trumped up bull****? How does that look to many of the general public? Chicken Little and the boy who cried wolf come to mind.

  4. #4
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    This is not really a big story most of us sane minded people knew that this was all a lie. The only folks that were pushing it didn't even really believe it themselves. The only ones on board with this was the left-wing Democrats and their Republican counterparts who hate Donald Trump. I'm trying to figure out now who I should be more aware of the left-wingers or the Republicans who hate Donald Trump because the pseudo Republicans can be very hateful and damaging because they absolutely hate Donald Trump to the Core and they will take down our party with them.
    OPINION....a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

  5. #5
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    Funny how not one of the witnesses the accusers said were there, would corroborate their story. That is a flat out lie in my book and the Senators who pressed this issue should be brought up by their fellow members and reprimanded for their repulsive behavior, up to and including being kicked off of their respective committees. Without punishment this circus just keeps on traveling.

  6. #6
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    and this claim never made it into consideration because it was suspect from the beginning.

    it had no bearing on the proceeding and does nothing to Ford-Blasey's testimony

    bumpersticker by NT Candy, on Flickr

  7. #7
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    Better keep on reading, Blassey-Ford and her accusations were also not verified by anyone. So according to the way life goes, it may have happened but it was not Kavanaugh that did it. Since she was clearly blaming him and him only, she lied. Pretty simple actually.

  8. #8
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    And remember, these guys were interviewed BEFORE she first testified in front of everybody. As far as the rest of it goes, there is nothing that can be verified, absolutely nothing, that would suggest that Judge Kavanaugh was not railroaded, not only by a bunch of liars, but also by members of the Senate and their aides, who should be made to resign and never be allowed to be a member of another committee, because their ethics are horrible and their reasoning is flawed. When you are in a job like they have been elected to, partisan politics, especially ones as important as this, have no place in our Govt. Each and every Dem and each and every person that was a party to this horrific miscarriage of justice should be held accountable as well as being prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

    But the report gave details from the purported witness claiming exactly that scenario. The man told the investigators that when he was a 19-year-old college student, he had visited Washington over spring break and kissed a girl he believes was Kavanaugh’s accuser.
    “He said that the kiss happened in the bedroom of a house which was about a 15-to-20 minute walk from the Van Ness Metro, that Dr. Ford was wearing a swimsuit under her clothing, and that the kissing ended when a friend jumped on them as a joke,” the report said.

    The Van Ness Metro is in Northwest D.C. His name was redacted in the report but investigators interviewed him the day before Ford testified Sept 27.

    The report also summarizes statements from another man who said that after graduating high school in Hampton, Virginia, in 1982 he made several trips to D.C. that summer.
    During one trip, he attended a house party where he kissed and made out with a woman he met who he believes could have been Ford, the report says.
    The man “said that based on old photographs of Justice Kavanaugh he has seen on the news, he believes the two of them share a similar appearance,” the report says. His name was also redacted.

    “Although each individual described details that in some respects seemed to fit Dr. Ford’s allegations against Justice Kavanaugh, both men described consensual encounters,” the report concludes.
    Ford’s attorney did not respond immediately to an email seeking comment.
    The report also contains these other disclosures:

    Witness Tampering?
    Committee investigators are in the process of trying to determine if Ford friend Monica McLean, a former FBI employee, tampered with a witness.

    “Several media outlets have reported that the FBI’s supplemental report indicated that Leland Keyser, a friend of Dr. Ford, felt pressure from Dr. Ford’s allies to revisit her initial statement to the Committee that she did not know Justice Kavanaugh or have any knowledge of the alleged incident,” the report says.

    Ford said that when Kavanaugh assaulted her at a party, Keyser was one of the people downstairs.

    The report added that according to the news articles, Keyser reported that McLean and others contacted her to suggest she “clarify” her account.
    McLean’s attorney did not immediately respond to an email seeking comment.

    Mistaken Identity at Yale?
    The report summarizes an interview with a Yale grad who said that a member of Kavanaugh’s fraternity -- who was not Kavanaugh -- had a reputation for exposing himself publicly.
    The man was interviewed after Deborah Ramirez told the New Yorker that Kavanaugh had thrust his penis in her face when they were at Yale. She said she was drunk and wasn’t sure it was Kavanaugh until she thought about it for a week and spoke to her attorney. Kavanaugh vehemently denied her accusation.

    The reports says the man, whose name was redacted, also provided a yearbook photo of the frat brother exposing himself.
    The report says the man said he had personally witnessed the flasher expose himself at a party and that the flasher was in the same residential college as Ramirez.

    Ford Friends
    The report summarizes a statement from William Rand, who went to the University of North Carolina with Ford and told investigators that Ford had a very robust and active social life.

    His statement seemingly was at odds with Ford’s assertions that she had a difficult time making friends due to her encounter with Kavanaugh, according to the report.
    “He also stated that Dr. Ford did not seem to be afraid to be in rooms or apartments with only one entrance, which contradicts her claim to the Committee that she had to build a second front door to her house due to the trauma of the alleged assault,” the report says.

    DOJ Referrals
    The report also says that the committee has referred four people to the Justice Department for criminal investigation.

    They are a Rhode Island man who recanted an allegation that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted a woman on a boat in Newport in 1985; Judy Munro Leighton, who claimed to have written an anonymous letter asserting Kavanaugh forced her to have oral sex; and Kavanaugh accuser Julie Swetnick and her attorney Michael Avenati, who also represents the porn actress Stormy Daniels.

  9. #9
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    A 400 plus page report came out today from the judiciary committee. Good reading. Not likely to hear about it from most news sources. Seems Professor Ford was not at all troubled in college being described by several direct witness' as having a "robust" social life. That is just one tidbit.
    OPINION....a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2ndthyme View Post
    and this claim never made it into consideration because it was suspect from the beginning.

    it had no bearing on the proceeding and does nothing to Ford-Blasey's testimony
    It matters not! Kavanaugh was confirmed and will be there for many years to come.
    The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible - Arthur C. Clarke

  11. #11
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    Columbia, S.C.
    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    I agree mike, you could smell that one from a mile off. Pretty scary stuff when it all of a sudden though ALL men were guilty of doing something. I am not an angel by any means but drinking a bunch of beer back in your high school days and getting a little rowdy does not make you a rapist, unless of course you have some charges filed in you for just that. And I will be lenient here, you do not even have to be convicted of it, but just filed, to make your story believable.

    How a persons hatred can make them lie and have half the Country believe a lie is a slap in the face to our legal system. These were not your average everyday activists, these were elected Senators and lawyers!! That is scary as hell, that justice is now nothing but a word, and the ones who are to be making our laws are nothing but counterfeit. Dam disgrace.... and then these same people turn around and accuse our POTUS of all sorts of trumped up bull****? How does that look to many of the general public? Chicken Little and the boy who cried wolf come to mind.
    I'm not going to get into all the he said she said crap.. What I did want to to do is give a high five on this post. It is scary when hate makes the rules and runs the system. Guilty until proven innocent??? Kavanaugh was guilty immediately what was said about Ford wasn't relevant. Then once the lies started more had to be "Proven/told" to carry the first load of crap. It was a disgrace, an utter disgrace to not only our government but to the entire country. Nobody will even sit back and contemplate an accusation it's a hey buddy help me bury this guy and I'll vote for that bridge to nowhere that you want to spend billions of dollars on. Even the smart guys on here are so wrapped up in hate they can't see through the fire in their eyes. We can't keep going on like this, it's tearing us apart in all different directions. We're going to need a very important decision one day, something
    This is your mind on drugs!

  12. #12
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    You got that right mgrist, when the rule of law means nothing anymore, then we are finished. And this fiasco was perpetrated by those who are supposed to be above all of that, they are writing the laws we the people are supposed to be following. Damn shame.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    Better keep on reading, Blassey-Ford and her accusations were also not verified by anyone. So according to the way life goes, it may have happened but it was not Kavanaugh that did it. Since she was clearly blaming him and him only, she lied. Pretty simple actually.
    did I say something about verification?

    bumpersticker by NT Candy, on Flickr

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2ndthyme View Post
    did I say something about verification?
    SO I take it that you do not need verification for anything, just the rumor spread around is enough for you? I can see why you may be mad, but when you have no way to verify an accusation placed against you, does that make the rumor the truth? Our legal system is setup so that truth needs to be the final reason for a conviction of a person. I know that sometimes that does not happen, but can you see the chaos it would bring if we all just walked around telling lies or half truths and had the public buy it, and the result of that is innocent people are sent to jail or prison?

    If that be the case most of our MSM would be reporting from a jail cell.

  15. #15
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    Is anybody really surprised that they lied.
    OPINION....a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

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