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Thread: UPS Canceling Firearms Dealers Accounts

  1. #1
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    UPS Canceling Firearms Dealers Accounts

    UPS is the only common carrier I know of that still ships some firearms, like handguns. USPS will ship long guns, but not handguns. What are we going to do when no carrier will ship firearms and parts? I understand UPS not wanting to ship illegal items, but Brownell's, mentioned farther down the article, is a very reputable company. It appears UPS is not even talking to the companies prior to canceling their accounts. And, just what gives UPS the power or authority to seize and destroy shipments? Report the activity to law enforcement, sure. But it sounds as if they have become vigilantes.

    U.S.A. –-( United Parcel Service is terminating the accounts of gun dealers. Any packages currently in the UPS system may be “seized and destroyed.”

    In a letter sent to one Florida gun dealer, Ghost Firearms, UPS said they were terminating the account because they “may be violating” laws concerning homemade firearm parts.

    “We write to inform you that UPS has learned that your company may be violating applicable laws concerning the shipment of “ghost guns” to unauthorized locations,” the letter states. “In light of our concern, UPS has determined that it will cancel your account, effective immediately.”

    Ghost’s owner, Joe Zatar was told all scheduled pickups will be canceled, and that he cannot reopen another UPS account or ship anything from a UPS store or website.

    He is most concerned about the packages already in the UPS system, which he may have already lost.

    “Please note that any package found in the UPS system determined to have been tendered by GHOST FIREARMS may be seized and destroyed,” the letter states.

    “I just shipped more than $30,000 worth of products,” he said.

    Zatar immediately called his UPS sales rep, who said he had no idea the account was terminated.

    Ghost Firearms sells uppers, lowers, handguards and OEM parts for a number of manufacturers. They also sell 80% receivers.

    “We do not ship to states where they’re not allowed,” Zatar said. “We are in total compliance. We had ATF in here just two weeks ago, and they told us we were completely legal.”

    Retail giant Brownells told their customers in a Facebook post on Friday that they too were terminated by UPS.

    “Heads up! UPS has made the decision to no longer accept Brownells packages,” the post states. “We are working to put an email together to send to customers who have their account defaulted to UPS, or who have open orders with UPS selected as the carrier.”

    Brownells did not specify in their post the reason why UPS terminated their account.

    UPS’ Media Relations personnel did not return calls or emails seeking comment for this story.
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  2. #2
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    In the Village...
    So it begins...Or continues......Ben
    The future is forged on the anvil of history...The interpreter of history wields the hammer... - Unknown author...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Salt Lake City
    “I just shipped more than $30,000 worth of products,” he said.
    - Zatar

    This is not only an odd occurrence, I'm betting it's illegal.

    I don't care if it hurts. I want to have control. I want a perfect body. I want a perfect soul. - Creep by Radiohead

  4. #4
    Join Date
    I think some of the things said in the original quotes maybe misleading. Nowhere did I see UPS will not ship fully assembled and legal firearms.
    OPINION....a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

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